Scenic Route 100 Byway.
Route 100. Whitingham to Granville, Vermont.

Running along the eastern edge of the Green Mountains, the Scenic Route 100 Byway is located in south-central Vermont. The route runs through the state’s rural farmland and many of New England’s classic, white-steeple villages. Although the road has its curves, this is an asphalt delicacy that begs to be sipped, not gulped. The best time to go is late spring through early fall. Also known as “Vermont’s Main Street” and “The Skier’s Highway,” Route 100 connects some of the best Northeastern skiing and riding. During the rest of the year there’s great hiking, biking and golf.
The Byway also provides top-notch dining and lodging, ample opportunities to explore history and culture, and shopping for one-of-a-kind art, craft and hand-crafted fine and rustic furniture. Take your time exploring all 146 miles of discoveries the Scenic Route 100 Byway has to offer.